Happy New Year!

I am always so sad to say goodbye to the holiday season but something about starting a New Year gets me very excited! Time to clean out the files, archive some images and get ready for a FRESH start! This year I have not set any New Year Resolutions (so as not to break them) and decided that who ever thought of that silly tradition should try to balance two busy kids, family, friends, school activites, a business, housework, cooking and of course keeping a current blog and facebook page (ha!). I think we all try so hard everyday and the last thing we need are added expectations in the New Year and then the feeling of disappointment when we do not meet them. I think this year I am just going to focus on what I love (like being a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend and photographer) and do it to the very very very best of my ability. I want to continue to grow, learn and enjoy life. Speaking of grow, my kiddos are doing the same each year and I am wondering how 5 years has past since I brought my first baby into this world. I suppose my whole family will grow this year and I sure am glad that I can capture this but most importantly, put my camera down every once in a while and engage myself in the moment. That is what it is all about, right? Alright, time to go but I wish you all a very happy New Year and lots of “growth”! I will leave you with my last session from 2011. I wonder if ever a day will come when I don’t want to pack up my subjects and take them home =)

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